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Computer & Telecommunication  2015, Vol. 1 Issue (7): 18-20    DOI:
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Research on the Improvement of Students' Independent Learning Ability in the Network Environment
BieWenqun,Mao Xingfeng
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Abstract  With the development of network technology and the popularization of information technology, it is widely accepted that students can study independently and effectively under the network environment. In order to let the students carry out effective learning activities, improve the quality of learning, and develop the habit of independent learning. A questionnaire survey of students’autonomous learning behavior under the network environment in higher vocational college is carried out. Through the analysis of the questionnaire survey, this paper researches on the countermeasures of the students' autonomous learning ability cultivation under the network environment in vocational college, so as to promote the students’lifelong learning habits.
Key wordshigher vocational colleges      network environment      independent learning     
Published: 08 November 2017

Cite this article:

BieWenqun, Mao Xingfeng. Research on the Improvement of Students' Independent Learning Ability in the Network Environment. Computer & Telecommunication, 2015, 1(7): 18-20.

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