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Computer & Telecommunication  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (7): 26-28    DOI:
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Research on the Strategies of Applying Micro Learning Resource in Stratified Teaching
Bao Linxia,Shi Erying
Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology
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Abstract  Combining the demand of classroom teaching reform of computer professional courses in higher vocational colleges, this paper researches on the strategies of stratified teaching of Graphic Image Processing Technology. On the basis of learning situation analysis and student stratification, the stratified teaching is designed and implemented from four aspects including teaching objectives, content, activities and evaluation. Under the guidance of stratified teaching idea, the network learning platform of micro learning resource and flipped classroom teaching mode let the teachers liberate from the role of teaching knowledge in traditional classroom teaching, and help students to improve their practical ability and the development of physical and mental health.
Key wordsmicro learning resource      stratified teaching      flipped classroom     
Published: 16 November 2017
:  G434  

Cite this article:

Bao Linxia, Shi Erying. Research on the Strategies of Applying Micro Learning Resource in Stratified Teaching. Computer & Telecommunication, 2017, 1(7): 26-28.

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