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Computer & Telecommunication  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (7): 82-83    DOI:
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Application of Micro Learning Resource in Linux Operating System Course
Hunan University of Science and Engineering
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Abstract  This paper proposes to apply micro learning resource in Linux operating system courses teaching. Through the design and recording of micro learning resource, students can prepare for the class by watching the micro learning resource to improve the study efficiency and increase students' participation in classroom teaching. This paper gives the complete micro learning resource design of a section of the Linux operating system course.
Key wordsmicro learning resource      Linux operating system      teaching reform     
Published: 16 November 2017
:  G434  

Cite this article:

HuangWeiguo. Application of Micro Learning Resource in Linux Operating System Course. Computer & Telecommunication, 2017, 1(7): 82-83.

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