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Computer & Telecommunication  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (7): 94-96    DOI:
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The Structure Improvement Design and Modeling of KA-J5001L Type Connector
Xu Xiaojuan
Suzhou Vocational Technical School
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Abstract  With the improvement of people's living standard, the popularization of small appliances such as juicer, makes people pay more attention to the noise problem beside the practical function. There are many sources of noise in small appliances. The noise sources of KA - J5001L juicer studied in this paper are from the motor itself, the rotation of filter cutter assembly and the machine vibration, etc. The structure of the connector leads to the instability of dynamic balance data and directly affects the noise problems. This paper studies on the structure types of the connector to make the dynamic balance data more stable or smaller.
Key wordsjuicer      noise      connector      structure     
Published: 16 November 2017
:  TP391.72  

Cite this article:

Xu Xiaojuan. The Structure Improvement Design and Modeling of KA-J5001L Type Connector. Computer & Telecommunication, 2017, 1(7): 94-96.

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