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Discussion on the Influence Maximization of Social Network in the Teaching of Information Technology in Universities
CHEN Bo-lun, HUA Yong, YUAN Yan, LI Fen-fen, ZHANG Zheng-wei
Huaiyin Institute of Technology
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Abstract  The modeling and analysis of the influence maximization in social network is one of the key issues in social network analysis. Its research has great significance in both theory and practical application. In this paper, we use different characteristics to apply it to information teaching in colleges and universities, forming the social big data needed for theoretical analysis in the learning environment, and at the same time, these data lay a theoretical foundation. Through the results of theoretical research, the interests of the learners are recommended and the corresponding learning plans are made for some learners.
Key wordssocial network      influence maximization      information teaching     
:  G420  

Cite this article:

CHEN Bo-lun, HUA Yong, YUAN Yan, LI Fen-fen, ZHANG Zheng-wei. Discussion on the Influence Maximization of Social Network in the Teaching of Information Technology in Universities. Computer & Telecommunication, 2018, 1(3): 1-3.

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