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Study on the Teaching Reform of Electrical Engineering Foundation Based on the Cultivating Mode for Application-oriented Talents
AO Zhang-hong, SONG Si-jia, YANG Min-sheng, LI Jian-ying
Hunan College of Arts and Science
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Abstract  Under the demand of the transformation and development of the applied university in our university, this paper probes into the teaching reform of the course of Electrical Engineering Foundation in our college. The main contents include teaching in small classes, encouraging students to teach, teaching with examples, explaining with simulation software, and combining teaching with certificate. These methods greatly improve the students' enthusiasm for learning, expand their knowledge, and cultivate students' abilities in many aspects, making students meet the requirements of applied talents cultivation.
Key wordselectrical engineering foundation      teaching reforms      application-oriented     
:  G434  

Cite this article:

AO Zhang-hong, SONG Si-jia, YANG Min-sheng, LI Jian-ying. Study on the Teaching Reform of Electrical Engineering Foundation Based on the Cultivating Mode for Application-oriented Talents. Computer & Telecommunication, 2018, 1(3): 31-33.

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