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Design of He-Ne Laser Driving Circuit for the Camera Hole Detecting System of Mobile Phone’s Glass Panel
Changchun Vocational Institute of Technology
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Abstract   Aiming at the research on the detection system of the camera hole of mobile phone’s glass panel, this paper introduces a design method of the helium-neon(He-Ne) laser driving circuit. The He-Ne laser is selected as the detecting light source, and interfer- ence is generated after the laser being projected to the camera hole of the glass panel. According to the quality of the interference fringes, the detection purpose can be achieved. The importance of He-Ne laser as the light source of this system is proposed. And combining with the actual application, the reasons for the instability of interference fringes produced by He-Ne laser are analyzed. Next, a technical method for the temperature control of the He-Ne laser driving circuit is proposed. Finally, the principle and design method of the He-Ne laser driving circuit are given. Experimental result shows that the driving circuit module can stably control the He-Ne laser light source, and the light source can fully satisfy the system’s requirements.
Key wordscamera hole detecting      He-Ne laser      driving circuit     
Published: 08 January 2021

Cite this article:

WANG Ying. Design of He-Ne Laser Driving Circuit for the Camera Hole Detecting System of Mobile Phone’s Glass Panel. Computer & Telecommunication, 2020, 1(10): 43-45.

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