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      10 March 2011, Volume 1 Issue 03 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    A Method Based on Region Homogeneity Measure for Image Denoising
    Chen Ronggui  Fang Shaomei  Wang Xia
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    According to the two characteristics of region homogeneity measure, we combine the methods of wavelet transformation and partial differential equation to put forward a new method for image denoising.Experimental results show this method is efficient for image denoising.
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    A Kind Of Deep Web Focused Crawler
    Huang Haojing
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)

    Focused crawler is programme of the search engine to automatically download websites, and is a key which the search engines find and index the deep web data.This paper describes a kind of web crawler which using PageRank algorithm to analysis the importance of website,by website structure pruning technic and determine pages algorithms to filter URL is not page-topic needed,effectively improve the quality and efficiency of deep web data integration.

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    Prediction Scheduling Algorithm Based on Gray Model
    Chen Xinjie
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    To ensure monitoring quality of wireless sensor networks (WSNs),sensors were usually deployed densely.If these nodes worked synchronously,they may cause many serious channel conflicts,and generate a quantity of data,which result in a large energy consumption.Hence,it was an energy efficient way to active nodes alternately.It was researched in this paper and a prediction-based scheduling algorithm called PSGM was proposed.In PSGM,cluster heads managed nodes and scheduled the sleeping of nodes with low energy.Then the data of the sleeping nodes would be got by cluster heads with some prediction algorithm.Simulation results showed that PSGM prolonged the lifespan of the network and assured the accuracy of data.
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    Design of the Switching between USB and ISA
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    The ISA bus is industrial standard bus architecture,which survives a long time in the industrial area,is the first system-level bus.USB bus is more and more popular because of the convenient features that make its application extensively. USB interface equipments become more and more in the electronic market,USB bus replaces the traditional old-fashioned interface will become a trend.The paper introduces the USB bus and the ISA bus;then mainly introduces the design principle, hardware design and software design of the transfer cards based on CH375 chip;finally introduces the applications of adapter card in engineering.
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    Research of Animation Algorithm Design on 3D Engineering Figure
    Li Jian-xin
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    In order to draw three-dimensional objects on computer,using a resolution method to analyze the perspective projection transformation technology,design a perspective projection transformation software algorithm.This algorithm performs projecting real world three-dimensional objects on computer as well as rotating and scaling the objects by changing the relevant parameters.The results show that this application is very useful for 3D animation software development.
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    Prediction Scheduling Algorithm Based on Gray Model
    Chen Xinjie
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    To ensure monitoring quality of wireless sensor networks (WSNs),sensors were usually deployed densely.If these nodes worked synchronously,they may cause many serious channel conflicts,and generate a quantity of data,which result in a large energy consumption.Hence,it was an energy efficient way to active nodes alternately.It was researched in this paper and a prediction-based scheduling algorithm called PSGM was proposed.In PSGM,cluster heads managed nodes and scheduled the sleeping of nodes with low energy.Then the data of the sleeping nodes would be got by cluster heads with some prediction algorithm.Simulation results showed that PSGM prolonged the lifespan of the network and assured the accuracy of data.
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    MATLAB Application in Design of FIR Digital Filters
    Hao Juan Xu Peiwen
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    The design and the application of the digital filter is one of the core content of Digital Signal Processing.In order to simplify the process of filter designing,and to adjust the parameters conveniently, methods by making using of the FDATool and Simulink toolbox in MATLAB to achieve the design of the digital filter and simulation quickly and efficiently are put forward.
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    An Action Recognition Method using Sequence Matching-based Embedding
    Zeng Qingsong
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    To detect and recorgnize the abnormal activity under intelligent supervisory system,a simple but efficient action recognition alogrithm using sequence matching is proposed.For each image sequence,an improved background substraction algorithm is first used to segment the action sequence.Then eigenspace transformation based on Fourier descriptors are used to extract action feature in training stage.Extensive experimental results on common databases demonstrate the proposed algorithm has an encouraging recognition performation.
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    A Method of Task Decomposition for the System of Robocup Robot Soccer Game of Medium-Sized Groups
    Wei Liang  Yang Yimin
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    The system of Robocup robot soccer game of medium-sized groups has characteristics of highly dynamic changes in the environment and highly confrontational.A new task decomposition method for soccer robot system is proposed in this paper based on the location of each robot of opposed team.The paper gives the introduction of the radiation zone to describe the range and inclination of the robot at a time instead of the traditional approach which regard one robot as a point,it also gives a method to realize a dynamic segmentation of the playfield based on the distribution and the sparse level of robots in the opposite team,which can make the task decomposition has features of flexibility and advancement.Simulation results show that the proposed method is simple and practical,robust resistance
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    Application of Virtual Reality Technique to Construction and Its Instance
    Li Qizhong
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    The article introduces VR technology into the progress of a construction project. The technology can realistically simulate the construction on the computer before the beginning of the project so that we can evaluate the progress of the prospective project,finding the possible problem in the progress and avoiding similar problem during the construction.
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    Realization and Application of Serial Communication in VS2008
    Gong Xinwen
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    In the modern real-time monitoring systems and industrial automation systems, many systems communicate with the serial device to control the terminal equipment.How can the development of efficient and fast serial communication program is particularly import.In this paper,taking a practical control system as the background,brief introduction of serial communication is given,the SerialPort class is used to realize the process of serial communications.Finally,with the practical application,it is demonstrated that SerialPort class can easily and quickly realize serial communication.
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    Designing and Realization of Bank Accounts Payable System Based on OFBiz
    Wu Baolai
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    This paper described Analysis、Designing and Realization of the System of Bank Accounts Payable.This sytem based on the MVC pattern,and using OFBiz frame ensure the system efficient and tability,at the same time a substantial increase in the development efficiency of the project.This system also use xml、css、javascript、java technology.Deposit、Withdrawal and Interest function of Core banking sytems has realized.
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    Application of Multiple Regression Model in the Software Development Cost Estimation
    Li Haitao
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    Software development cost estimation is a critical step in project development,which directly affects decision-making and the management of tasks arrangement.There are many different ways of estimation.Each way has its advantages and disadvantages.How to make good use of relevant technology for more accurate prediction is becoming a major topic in this article.We discuss how to predict the main characteristics of objects and select the appropriate parameters to construct the regression model,further improving the forecast accuracy.
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    Application of FX Programme Port Communication Technology on Automatically Grading Line Monitoring System
    Huang Cheng
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    Automatically grading line monitoring system consists of two control unit - FX2N series PLC. Through the host PLC Programme Port, PC monitor the Production situation. Introduction Of the automatically grading and the wiring between PC and PLC, analysis of the PLC Programme Port protocol,Settings of the VB6.0 MSCOMM serial communication controls.
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    Research and Discussion on Innovative Construction Mode of Local E-Government
    Zhou Haiyan
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    Our country has achieved remarkable results in E-Government.Investigate and study the application of the local government in E-Government.Report the present situation of the local government faced E-Government common problems.Analyze the development trend of Chinese E-Government and information technology.Put forward the necessity and ideas of the local government innovative construction E-Government.Discuss several suggestions of the local government innovative construction E-Government .
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    Research of Configuration File Automatic Backup about Switch
    Liu  Yu
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    The switch is widely used in the network,so it is prone to failure.Switch failure is inevitable, but after the failure we should be dealt with promptly.To do that,you must master the configuration file backup and recovery technology.This can reduce equipment downtime, eliminate risk,thereby effectively improving the efficiency of maintenance personnel and network operation quality,to create good economic and social benefits.
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    Application of Excel in Evaluating College Teachers’ Workload
    Guo Shenghuang
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    This paper first presents the basic method of using the function of Excel to calculate the teaching workload automatically, and then explores on the application of Excel to count and analyze the teaching workload with examples, supplying reference to teaching administrators in colleges and universities。
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    A Feasibility Analysis of the Application of Wireless Local Area Network in Government Organs
    Wang Wei
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
     With the increasing development of information technology,the combination of wireless communication technology and computer network technology urges the emergency of wireless local network.WLAN has been widely applied in society at present and will become one part in social life.Starts from the network risks and challenges faced by government organs,this paper discusses the application of WLAN in government organs.
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    Research on the Optimization of Flash Animation
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    The application of Flash animation is becoming more and more popular.As the audience’s level of appreciation rises,they are demading higher quality of animation.This article elaborates the causes of various problems during the production of Flash animation through ananlyzing those problems,and gives reasonable suggestions on making outstanding Flash animation by proposing multiple solutions to those problems.
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    The Application of Anti-Spam System in Internet Security
    Qi Qifeng
    . 2011, 1 (03): 0-0.  
    Abstract     PDF(0KB)
    This paper reports the situation of spam and viruses mail in mail system. It analyzes,tests and compares relevant anti-spam system, introduces a general method to deploy an anti-spam system.Combining with the technical indexes and economic benefit analysis,the conclusion is showed that it is valuable to apply an anti-spam system in Internet security.
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